Sunday, February 12, 2017

Weeks of February 13 and February 20, 2017

During the next two weeks we will be learning about how kids and adults earn money.  We will be reading books and charting various jobs.  We will talk about services and goods and learn the difference between a career that provides a service and one that provides goods.  Students will begin to think about what job they would like to have when they grow up in preparation for Kindergarten Career Day.

In math we continue to practice counting to 100, counting by 10's to 100, writing our numbers to 20, and solving addition and subtraction number stories.

We will talk about President's Day and read some books about Abraham Lincoln and George  Washington.

The special Valentine music show will be in the auditorium on Tuesday, February 14th at 1:30.  All parents are invited.

Our words of the week are:  love, from
We continue to work with word families.

A special packet will go home this week with some activities to work on for the next two weeks.  The packet does not have to be returned until Friday, February 24th.

We celebrated the 100th day of school on Friday, February 10th.  Unfortunately a lot of students were absent.  Here are some photos of the great projects that were on display.  Thank you for all your hard work.

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